Functional Medicine for Autism

Functional Medicine for ASD programme

Nourishing Neurodiversity:

A Natural Parenting Protocol based on functional medicine for autism

  • 12-week home-based Autism Action Plan
  • Functional Testing (stool & urine only, no blood draw)
    • Organic Acid Test
    • Gut Function Test
    • Food Intolerance Test
    • Mold and Mycotoxin Test
    • Environmental Toxins Test including Glyphosate test
  • Personalized Nutrition & Supplement Advice based on lab results
  • Online meal plans with printable grocery list
  • Online portal for easy appointment booking, secure chat, access to all resources
  • Education & Information resources
  • Online community (coming soon)

Nourishing Neurodiversity Brochure

Nourishing Neurodiversity is a 12-week ‘online’ Functional Medicine for autism programme. Although it is aimed at families with a child who is neurodivergent, it is equally suitable for people of any age with any autism spectrum disorder. The programme offers education, meal plans, printable grocery lists, booklets and guidance from the Institute for Functional Medicine, family support and much more. the aim is to help you get to the root cause of the symptoms and behavioural patterns around ASD such as poor digestion, poor sleep, loss of or delayed communication skills, repetitive behaviour patterns, lack of awareness of danger, poor eye contact, difficulty in social situations, poor sleep, poor focus and concentration to name just a few of the traits we have been able to successfully address with this programme.

Top 5 Functional Tests for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Please click on each link to find out more about the test and the scientific research behind it.

  • Gut function and ASD (stool sample)
  • Organic Acid Testing in autism (urine sample)
  • Food Intolerance test (finger prick blood spot)
  • Environmental Toxins & Glyphosate and autism research (hair strand and urine sample)
  • Myotoxin & mould testing (urine sample)

Personalized Nutrition Plans

Once your child has had a metabolic assessment using a straightforward urine test that can be done at home, we will be able to see which nutrients are lacking in the whole biochemical ‘soup’ that is needed to ensure bodily systems such as neurotransmitters work efficiently and effectively. This knowledge will then be used to determine whether supplements would help and whether a change in diet is needed.


Research findings:

“The positive results of this study suggest that a comprehensive nutritional and dietary intervention is effective at improving nutritional status, non-verbal IQ, autism symptoms, and other symptoms in most individuals with ASD. Parents reported that the vitamin/mineral supplements, essential fatty acids, and HGCSF diet were the most beneficial.”


School-age children in the UK with autism stated as their primary special educational need.


Adults with autism who are in any form of paid employment in the UK, meaning that nearly 80% are unemployed.

£ 32bn

UK government spend in care and lost earnings to support children & adults with autism.

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