Nourishing Neurodiversity Group Coaching

Nourishing Neurodiversity Group coaching

Nourishing Neurodiversity Group Coaching is a 12-week online programme for a maximum of 12 participants.

Who the Nourishing Neurodiversity Programme is for:

  • Parents who have a child who you know or suspect is on the autism spectrum
  • Your son or daughter met all their developmental milestones up until around the age of 18 months to 2 years, then you noticed they began to lose previously acquired skills. This is also known as ‘regressive autism’.
  • Your child has delayed speech and poor communication skills
  • You have been given little or no information from your doctor about what the diagnosis means or what you can do.
  • You want to know more about how you can help your child to develop to their fullest potential naturally.
  • You feel isolated and would like to meet other parents in a similar situaiton to yourself.

Please note: pricing is for UK, EU and UAE residents and is inclusive of all the functional tests. If you are outside of this geographic area, please email Simone at and she will give you details of the progrmme excluding tests alongside details of where you can obtain the same tests locally.

Nourishing Neurodiversity Functional Testing

As part of the programme, you will receive eight tests that will be delivered to your home, then collected by courier when you are ready.

  • Organic Acids Test
  • Mycotoxins test
  • Gut Function Test Kit with zonulin and h. pylori
  • Metabolic Profile (urine Test Kit)
  • Food sensitivities test (finger prick blood spot)
  • Toxic and Essential Elements hair strand test

12-week Nourishing Neurodiversity Online Programme

Functional Medicine for Nourishing Neurodiversity

Weeks 1 & 2

  • Introduction to Functional Medicine for Autism
  • Order 8 functional test kits
  • Begin Mood & Food Journal
  • Access online customizable meal plan for autism spectrum disorder
  • Pantry Power – what to keep on hand for quick and healthy snacks

Weeks 3 & 4

  • Understanding the Gut-Brain Axis, Digestion, Assimilation & Detoxification pathways and why they matter so much in autism
  • Begin introducing Gluten-free, Dairy-free meal plans. Discuss strategies for helping picky eaters and understanding what may be making them ‘picky’
  • Learn about supplementation, what to use, when, why and what to avoid.
What to do about a picky eater
Cognitive Function

Weeks 5 & 6

  • Understanding Food Intolerance, Sensitivities and Allergies
  • Introduction to the Organic Acids Test: oxidative stress, detoxification, neurotransmitter pathways.
  • Assess progress over the first month
  • Set SMART Goals as your lab results start to come in.

Weeks 7 & 8

  • The 5 R’s of Functional Medicine that will help you to create your own health strategy
  • Introduction to environmental toxins, mold, mycotoxins and household toxins and their role in autism andwhat practical steps you can take.
  • Coping with highs and lows in progress.
Environmental Medicine

Weeks 9 & 10

  • Stress and Family Health
  • Mindful Communication, coping with difficult emotions
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Relief for the family
  • Therapeutic and Expressive Art for Wellbeing
  • Creating Healing Spaces
Art for Neurodiversity
loneliness awareness week parents virtual community
virtual community for parents of children with autism

Weeks 11 & 12

  • Self-care for Carers
  • Opportunities, Organizations and Community Meetups and Support Networks
  • Create health strategy for your family going forward
  • Nourishing Neurodiversity Community launch 1 January 2025 – free top tier access for everyone who completes this programme before the end of 2024.
  • Programme review and feedback

Places are limited to 12 participants max, so please book early

Booking Provided by Healthie