D.A.R.I.N.G Approach to Healthcare

Weight Management & Obesity

Whether your are underweight or overweight, dieting alone will not resolve the issue. Gut health, metabolism, stress levels, age, hormonal levels and heredity will all play a part, so functional testing will help you get lasting solutions by tackling the root cause.

Weight Management & Obesity

Immune Health

Whether you have long-covid, chronic fatigue, an autoimmune condition or 'just' get ill all the time, the impact on your life is tremendous, so a personalized plan based on your individual needs is the best way to tackle this highly complex body system.

Immune Health


Oxidative stress and environmental toxins are known to reduce female fertility and increase the risk of having a child with autism. Functional testing can improve outcomes whether you are planning IVF or hope to conceive naturally.



Biohacking for peak performance athletes, military personnel and emergency service personnel. If your life or livelihood depends upon you being on your A-Game, even in stressful situaitons, prevention is better than cure.


Cancer Prevention

We offer early-detection cancer screening kits for over 40s that you can do at home to test for 70 types of cancer. All consultations, including a pre-qualifying screening call, will be done by a registered GP.

Cancer Prevention

What is your Biological Age?

Measure 8 key body markers to assess the cellular processes, telomere length, methylation to compare your biological age with your chronological age. Get advice on what to do to improve each of the markers naturally and increase your longevity AND lasting health.

What is your Biological Age?

Environmental Health & Functional Medicine

Environmental health refers to aspects of human health (including quality of life) that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the environment.

Functional Medicine is a new paradigm in healthcare that focuses on body SYSTEMS rather than symptoms.

At Barefoot Medicine, our D.A.R.I.N.G. Approach to Healthcare helps you to improve your long-term health and longevity by taking all these factors into account.

Did you know:

Autism Wheel of Life Assessment

Take this free assessment to see a baseline of how your child's autism traits are now. These results will change on a day-to-day basis, but this is one of the tools we use to monitor the success of our natural interventions.

Book a FREE Discovery Call with Simone

Find out how personalized healthcare can help you get to the root cause of any symptoms by tackling your body SYSTEMS. Using state-of-the-art functional tests that you can do at home can set you on a path to a better quality of life when followed up with bespoke evidence-based natural solutions.

Free Resources

I recognize that lifestyle medicine and functional mediicne are new to most people - nutrigenomics is cutting edge science; the functional tests are state-of-the-art tests that you can do at home to find out how your environment is affecting your health This is ground-breaking healthcare for the 21st century.

Investing in your health can be a big commitment to changing your habits, diet and lifestyle in order to get lasting results. It's not for everyone, but for those who manage it, the results are literally LIFE-CHANGING.

Simone is totally committed to your success, so these resources are for you to try out functional nutrition and other aspects of lifestyle medicine FREE OF CHARGE to see if it is right for you. Good luck - and remember to reach out to Simone to give her feedback on these resources!

Metabolic Health Online Meal Plan

Online Meal Plan

We have a wide range of online meal plans to help you know what to eat for which health condition. To get a taste of how it works, use code FREE TRIAL

Book a FREE 15-minute Call with Simone

If you are the parent of a child with autism spectrum disorders or other chronic health conditions and you are looking for a natural solution, book a call with Simone to find out how we can work together to improve you child's health naturally.

Success Stories

I think you'll love these insights!

Speak to me! I'd love to hear what you want me to blog about! Functional Medicine, environmental medicine, biohacking - this is all new to most people, so tell me what you need to know!

Autism CARES ACt

What is the autism cares act 2024

The Autism Cares Act of 2024 represents a significant advancement in the ongoing efforts to support individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. Building upon the foundation laid by previous legislation, this act aims to enhance the availability of resources, services, and research dedicated to autism care and support. With an estimated 1 …

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