Day: 30 December 2019

Stress at work natural solutions
Health & Wellness News
Natural Pain Relief
Root Cause Medicine
What the Fly on the Wall of my Clinic would tell HR Managers to help them improve productivity in the workplace.

I have often joked with HR Managers that if it weren’t for employers and families, my clinic would be empty and I would be out of the job! The beauty of any lifestyle medicine such as TCM is that we get to spend 90 minutes with our clients at their first appointment and then about […]

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TCM Answer to NHS Crisis
Health & Wellness News
Root Cause Medicine
The NHS is not the crisis, but the symptom of a far worse dilemma…

We live in a society where the healthcare industry does not care about food and the food industry does not care about health, yet the very building blocks of our entire immune system can only come from that which we consume so neither industry is helping us to help ourselves! GPs swear the hippocratic oath, […]

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